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Hello to my little blog

Hello everybody, I am Rashan and I want to make a step further in my english language by writing all kind of crazy stuff that you could think about and is realted to video games. My purpose is to gain fans and people to enjoy my work and knowledge in video games in general and not just some video games. When I start playing a game for the first time it doesn't take too long for me to get along with the game no matter how complex it may be.

When I saw my friends how they play game for months and they are not aware of various stuff whcih for me was basic I was surprised and I realized that I am very good at games. From now on I will try and share all my experience with the world-wide hoping that someone could use my knowledge and skills or even take them further to a new level.

At the beginning I will write about what I want to write, but as time goes by i will need you to help me to write about what you exactly want me to write about, what do you think could help you in your games or how it may help you to be a better player.


My favourite games of all time is a very old game which everybody knows about it: Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This game is a game whcih everybody should play in their life time. Anyway at the moment I am enjoying a lot the game called Warframe which is a Third Person Shooter MMO. I will start writing my knowledge regarding this game afte which I will be expecting your recommendations n what you want to read about.

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