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How to be successful Melee only in Warframe

It is possible to go into a mission in Warframe using Melee only as weapon without any primary or secondary weapon. For the mission to be a success you have to take a few things into consideration which I will state therm below:

1. Stamina - you need a lot of stamina before you go into a mission using only your melee because you have to move a lot across the map and you have to move fast. The Warframe is getting tired really fast. Having a big level of stamina will increase considerably your chance of success. This is also benefic because we need it to use the block pretty often. You can add Marathon and Quick Rest

2. Vitality - this is really important as we don't want to pay much attention to our life level as you are going to attack and be attacked almost constantly. I choose this over armor because not every warframe can have a strong armor.

3. Use the Rage Mod - this will create like a cycle of life and energy. Each time you will be hit openly your life damage will be translated into energy. This is very useful as you are almost constantly losing life. While you kill enemies faster because of the rage in you you will also gain life which will create as I said an Life - Energy Cycle. Another mod you can use for energy in order to be even more successful is Primed Flow. This is like an assurance that you will never break you Life-Energy Cycle, you will always have enough energy to make substantial damage and to block attacks.

4. Handspring - This is not 100% necessary, but it can help you a lot and it really adds an advantage along with all the other mods stated above. What this will do is to make you get up faster when you are being knocked down. You may say that this isn't necessary at all. After you have been knocked down, the grineer scorpions may pull you and while this happens you may take a lot of damage without being able to do anything about it.

A part 2 of this post can be found HERE

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