My favorite Loadouts in Warframe Part 1
A lot of people are asking me about my favorite Warframe or about my favorite weapon. I don't have a favorite weapon or anything favorite in particular, I do have favorite loadouts which I love to play with, combination of warframes, weapons, even sentinels or consumables that I love to combine together to make a great overall combination.
I will make a top 5 based on my top Warframes and weapons to use along with them:
5. Here I am gonna use Ash as Warframe because he is been upgraded a lot in past years and he is better than it was before. When I am using Ash I like to have a Rifle Amp to make damage on the enemies within a distance. I am also adding Seeking Shuriken because I want Ash to be able to stand those high level units. Even if Ash has a good life level I still like to use Vitality on him. Streamline + Fleeting Expertise. I will also use Stretch to increase my shooting range. More important especially for Ash are the damage mods which are really making a difference with this Warframe. For this I am gonna use Intensity which will add 30% more damage. I am also using the Transient Fortitude.
4. Trinity. This is my favorite EV ( Energy Vampire) Warframe. In my opinion this is the best supportive character especially on Defensive missions which will really help in having one of these in your team. As a loadout I am using Rejuvenation which does not help a lot, but it goes really well with this type of Warframe. I will also use Transient Fortitude and Fleeting Expertise for more power efficiency. I will also add Streamline. For this Warframe it is primary to use Blind Rage because you don't have to worry to much about energy since this is a EV warframe and you will get back all the energy used. For a team gameplay you will also want to use Strectch and Overextended. You will also want to use Intensify. More energy vampire will add more energy to your team. One last thing that I like to use is Redirection. The extra armor is not so important for this type of character, but you really don't want Trinity to go down, and it's recommended to always stay behind your team.
Part 2 of this post can be found here: My favorite Loadouts in Warframe Part 2